I was with my ex for 14 years, 10 of them married until my divorce was finalized in 2012. It was a tough road but I am definitely on the other side and much happier. While going through a terrible time, it’s the little things that bring a few smiles your way. Here are some things that helped get me through my dark days. The…
After 11 years (5 in marriage) and two children together, Megan Fox filed for divorce from Brian Austin this past August. On separation papers, dated June 6, 2015, she cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the split. Last week Megan debuted a baby bump at CinemaCon in Las Vegas and has subsequently confirmed her estranged husband is the father to be. I haven’t cared…
Every couple of months I get the same phone call from my mom: “I read your latest article and I just wanted to mention…” What follows is her mentioning that my kids might read what I wrote. Or my ex, my friends, my hairstylist, my postal worker, or my doorman — and that one of these readers might not like what they read. On the…
As a parent, you know that heavy conversations are usually had when you least expect them. When we sat down at dinner this week, I expected a recap of the school day, a debate on March Madness and maybe a bit of the never ending debacle that is the present presidential race. I definitely did not anticipate the in-depth discussion on sexting and child pornography…
Webster’s II Dictionary defines the following: Fair: impartial, just, in accordance with rules and standards, free from self-interest. Fair tactics, in a proper or legal way (played fair). Justice: the principal of ideal or moral rightness, the upholding of what is right, fairness, integrity in the dealings of men with each other. Peace: the absence of hostilities, a state of harmony as between persons, freedom…
Being engaged for the second time at 41 is very different than the first time in my 20’s. At 25 I wanted a traditional engagement and wedding, following the path laid before me by dozens of friends. As a mature woman, I want what suits my man and me. We haven’t yet had a meet the parents pow-wow, friends haven’t dropped off dozens of bridal…
1. Disagreeing isn’t a problem. 2. How you fight can be a problem. 3. Don’t fight dirty. 4. Refusing to hold my hand in public doesn’t make you look cool. 5. Showing your mom some love is cool. 6. Kitchen table talk should never leave the kitchen table. 7. Be prudent on whom you invite to your kitchen table. 8. Assume anything you send in…
Sunday afternoon at my local gourmet market I select sea bass, pick a plump tomato and a wide zucchini. Once home I pour a nice glass of white wine, chop the tomato, dice an onion, and spiralize the zucchini. With a drizzle of olive oil and a hearty dose of kosher salt and fresh pepper I drop the sea bass into a screaming hot pan…
I’m divorced and at the top of divorce do and don’t lists is: “don’t fight in front of the kids.” I agree and disagree. I didn’t grow up in a loud house. Arguments between my parents were quiet and tense. Resolution was when one upset parent left the room. This wasn’t a misstep by my parents, it’s how it was for their generation. My mom…
I broke up with my therapist today. I didn’t have any idea I was going to end our 7-year relationship yet I walked in, sat down and told her I was ok and didn’t need her anymore. She smiled and told me she had been thinking the very same thing. This was the best break-up I’ve had. 8 years ago I was in NYC for…