Dating when you’re pushing 40 means previous marriages and spouses, ex-boyfriends and girlfriends, children with different parents, two different households with two different schedules, expectations, and above all, two people pretty set in the way they like to live their lives. At best, it’s very complicated and it’s always extremely messy. You meet a great guy, but he lives far away, has a demanding career…
There is nothing wrong with a good boo-hoo period post breakup. Take your time and when you are through with the tears, listen to these and rock out. “Shake It Out” by Florence + The Machine “And it’s hard to dance with the devil on your back. So shake him off, oh woah.” “Hit The Road Jack” by Ray Charles “Hit the road Jack and…
After 16 years I found myself single again having experienced only one mature relationship. I hoisted my big girl pants up and reluctantly put myself back out into the dating world. One day I went on a non-date and decided, to my shock, that I wished it were a date. My non-date then asked me on a real date, which I thought was another non-date….
About a month ago, I told my man I was “not a Valentine’s girl.” I insisted no gifts and assured him we could stay home and order pizza. I did not care about Valentine’s Day and I meant it. Yesterday I changed my mind. A little. I glanced at the calendar and noticed Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday night this year. I quickly ran…